Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Ron Paul vs. Ben Bernanke on Greece

UPDATE: Also see Ron Paul's follow-up statement on Bernanke's reaction to Dr. Paul's remarks.

Ron Paul got a chance to give an opening statement and question Ben Bernanke at today's Financial Services hearing. He questioned Bernanke on whether the Fed has been involved in bailing out Greece, or if Congress would even find out if they did; Bernanke maintained that they are not involved, and Congress WOULD be notified. But how can they be trusted if there is no way to verify if that's true? Only an audit would reveal that. And as Daniel Muir of the Indianapolis Colts put it, how can we trust someone who looks like a crook and who's out to take everything you own! Watch below:


Scott Showers said...

You just have to Love Ron Paul the way he just continually goes after these guys.

Good to know there are others out there paying attention.

Happy trails.

Don said...
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Don said...
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Don said...

Chris --

You're really doing a great job building up your YouTube page (and this site, as well). If people want to watch a Ron Paul video, they go to Minnesota Chris. I was listening to AntiWar Radio the other day, and Scott Horton plugged your YouTube page. People are talking, man...

Gotta love Dr. Paul!