Monday, October 27, 2008

Lawson for Congress: That's How We Roll

Here's the latest campaign update from BJ Lawson:

We had a great weekend at the polls, and a solid start to our fund raising drive for $200,000 -- our callers helped bring in about $20,000 in donations. Thank you for your continued support!

While it wasn't enough to fund the mailer we were hoping to send out, every bit helps with our GOTV and voter education at the polls -- I can't say enough about the power of the Constitution in a voter's hand to carry the message of principled change.

Just how effective is the Constitution? Check out this article with some footage straight from the polls:

We're pulling out all the stops this week, and are being joined by well-known supporters Adam Kokesh and Michael Maresco at the polls.

If you can't join us in person and have already hit your limit on donations, don't forget to check out our user-friendly Voter Outreach program -- wherever you are, you can make a difference!

In liberty,


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