Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Birthday Boys (Gary North)

Gary North on the unfortunate legacies of Charles Darwin and Abraham Lincoln:

Gary NorthTwo hundred years ago today, the sun rose over the English village of Shrewsbury. Susannah Darwin was about to give birth to her fifth child, Charles. Her husband Robert was a financier. Her father was a Wedgewood, of pottery fame. Times were not tough in the Darwin household.

The sun moved over the Atlantic, heading for Hardin County, Kentucky. Later in the day – the Darwins' day, anyway – it passed over the log cabin of Thomas and Nancy Lincoln, whose son Abraham had just been born. Times were always tough in the Lincoln household.

All in all, it was a memorable day, if not for the sun, then for the rest of us.

Read the rest, and also see Tom DiLorenzo's A 'Lincoln Scholar' Comes Clean and Bill Sardi's On Charles Darwin’s 200th Birthday, It’s A Battle of World Views, as well as Fred Reed's take on evolution.

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