Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Conservatives Offer No Hope (Chuck Baldwin)

Chuck Baldwin finally sees the light and realizes the "conservative" movement is dead (perhaps one day he will realize the state itself is the problem, but his views are indeed refreshing for a Christian pastor):

Over the past several months, I have been privileged to attend (and sometimes endure) several significant gatherings of a variety of conservatives. Some of the meetings were large; others were small. The meetings sometimes featured mostly grassroots activists and sometimes very high-profile and notable conservative icons. In some of these meetings, I was allowed a platform to speak; in others, I was merely a spectator. In most of the meetings, there was a large percentage of Christian conservatives present. The meetings occurred in locations all over the country.

After witnessing the philosophizing, postulating, and pontificating of the various conservative speakers (or those to whom I spoke in private conversation), I am left with the very profound and distinct impression that the so-called conservative movement is dead. It is not dying: it is dead. Totally and thoroughly dead.

Read the rest

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